Quorum Court
The county legislative body is entitled the Quorum Court and is composed of 9-15 members called Justices of the Peace. These Justices of the Peace are district officers and not county officials because they represent a district within the county.* Cleburne County has 11 Districts.
Quorum Court is the second Thursday of every month except in November when it is the third Thursday. Meetings start at 6 pm and are held at the Cleburne County Court Building. The address for the Court Building is 922 S 9th St. in Heber Springs.
Quorum Court Members
Below are Cleburne County's Quorum Court Members (Justices of the Peace). You will find each Member's District, Name, and phone number. You can click on an image for more information. If you would like to know what District you live in just click the button below and fill out the needed information.
Brian Moorehead (501) 206-5433 Email: mooreheadbrian1982@gmail.com
Sam Henegar (870) 213-6988 Email: samitz@yelcot.net
Stephen Beavers (501) 250-5784 Email: stephenb @glassdoctor.com
Linda Fletcher (501) 250-5350 Email: linfletcher1961@gmail.com
Alan Malone - (501) 206-7248 Email: o5retired@yahoo.com
Chad Evans - (501) 362-4234 Email: cevans@aromatique.com
Jacque Martin (501) 366-0640 Email: jacquelyn.r.martin@gmail.com
Brent Foust (501) 250-7111 Email: foustforestry@sbcglobal.net
Charles Tamburo (501) 206-9112 Email: chee@redriverdodge.com
Mark Baugh (501)-206-8359 Email: markgbaugh@gmail.com
Jeremy Mcclung- (501) 589-5351 Email: jmcclungjpdist11@gmail.com
Quorum Court Minutes
Below are Cleburne County's Quorum Court monthly meeting's minutes.
Quorum Court minutes for the current year will always be one month behind. This is due to the fact that they must be passed by the Quorum Court the following month.
Quorum Court Agendas
Below are Cleburne County's Quorum Court monthly meeting's agendas.
*Arkansas Justice of the Peace Procedural Manual.