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2023 Ordinances  


A Ordinance establishing the time, date and procedural rules of the regular monthly meeting of the Cleburne County Quorum Court.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance NO. 2022-040 which adopted the Budget for the calendar year 2023 and for other purposes to amend the 2023 budget to make additional appropriations for premium pay. 


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040, which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and/or other purposes to add Juvenile Officer Grant Budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040, which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and/or other purposes to amend th other Sundry Insurance Line Item


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040, which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and/or other purposes to amend the Juvenile Court Budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040, which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and/or other purposes to amend Sheriff Budget for the Law Enforcement Stipend.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040, which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and/or other purposes to add a budget for the Cleburne County Senior Center Grant.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040, which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and/or other purposes to ato add a public safety grant.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040, and Ordinance 2022-039 to correct the salaries, full time line item in the Court Building Budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040, which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and for other purposes to add Blue & You Foundation Grant for the Road Department.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 which adopted the Budget for the Calendar year 2023 and or other purposes to purchase Communication Repeaters for 911 Service.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 which adpoted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and/ or other purposes to add the Juvenile Drug Court Budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and for other purposes to amend the unemployment compensation line item.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and for other purposes for the purpose of 2022 Budget Clean-Up.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and for other purposes to amend the District Court Automation Budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and for other purposes to amend the Additional Motor Rules Sales Tax Fund Budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and for other purposes to amend the Court Building Budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and for other purposes to amend the County Road Budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and for other purposes to amend the Juvenile Drug Court Budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and for other purposes to amend the Cleburne County Senior Center Budget.


An Ordinance dispensing with a special election on the issue of the levy of Tumbling Shoes/Ida Vounteer Fire Dues.


An Ordinance to approve and adopt an Interlocal Agreemehnt with the City of Heber Springs, Arkansas for the joint effort of providing an ALS/EMS base at Mountain Aire Fire Station.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and for other purposes to amend the Cleburne County Senior Center Budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2020-012 establishing the rate of compensation for Cleburne County Election Commissioners. 


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and/ or other purposes to amend the Sheriff ARPA Revenue Replacement Fund Budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and/ or other purposes to amend the Sheriff Budget (ARPA) and Jail Budget.


An Ordinance amending Ordinance 2022-11 Establishing rate of reimbursement for EMT training for volunteer EMS Services.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and/ or other purposes to amend the Assessor Budget.


An Ordinance for approving a technology resources policy to be added to the Cleburne County Personnel Policy.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinacne No.2022-040 which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and/or other purposes to amend full time and part time line items.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 to add the Highway #92 Property Budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 to add the Highway #92 Property Budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2021-032 establishing rate of compensation for Cleburne County Equalization Board.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2023-024 establishing rate of compensation for Cleburne County Election Commissioners.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 to amend the Quourm Court, Court Building, Old Post Office, and Claude Dill Complex Budgets.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040 to amend the Sheriff (ARPA) Budget.


An Ordinance to establish the number of positions and starting salaries for non-elected county positions.


An Appropriation Ordinance establishing the number of employees and authorized salary per employee for each department of the Cleburne County Government.


An Appropriation Ordinance adopting and approving the budget for Cleburne County, Arkansas for the year 2024, making specificic appropriations of funds set in the budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2022-040, which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and/or other purposes to amend the veterans service budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending ordinance No.2023-038, which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2024 and/or other purposes to amend the Beterans Service Budget.


An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinacne No.2022-040 which adopted the budget for the calendar year 2023 and/or other purposes to amend the Sheriff (ARPA), Jail, and CountyDetention Budgets.


An Appropriation Ordinance establishing the millage rates for 2024.

Cleburne County Judge's Office
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