An Appropriation Ordinance Amending Ordinance No.2019-018 Establishing the number of position and starting salaries for District Court
An Appropriation Ordinance Amending Ordinance No.2019-020 and NO. 2019-019 that established 2020 budget and established the number of employees and salaries (District Court)
An Appropriation Ordinance Amending Ordinance No.2019-020 and No. 2019-019 that established 2020 budget and established the number of employees and salaries (County Judge)
An Appropriation Ordinance Amending Ordinance No.2019-020 to appropriate funds for a grant for Juvenile Officer Grant
An Appropriation Ordinance Amending Ordinance No.2018-026Â to clean up the budget for calendar yearÂ
An Appropriation Ordinance transferring additional funds from County General to the Capital Projects Fund
An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2019-020 to amend the Jail Budget
An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance No.2019-020 to amend the 2020 Emergency 911 Budget Total
An Appropriation Ordinance establishing rate of compensation for Cleburne County Election Commisioners
An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance 2019-020 to amend the Juvenile Officer Grant Budget
An Appropriation Ordinance allowing Cove Creek/ Pearson Fire Department to Place Fire Dues on Property Tax Statements
An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance 2019-020 to Appropriate and Distribute Court Security Grant Funds Received
An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance 2019-020 to amend the Juvenile Drug Court Grant Budget
An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance 2019-020 to establish a Jail Improvement Fund
An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance 2019-020 to amend the Health Department Budget
An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance 2019-020 to amend the Emergency 911 Budget
An Ordinance amending Ordinance 2019-001 to change the date of the November 2020 regular Quorum Court meeting
An Ordinance amending Ordinance 2019-020 to appropriate grant funds for the Cleburne County Courthouse
An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance 2019-020 to appropriate grant funds for the Election
An Ordinance establishing a sub-fund for the coronavirus relief fund grant money
An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance 2019-020 to amend the County Library Budget
An Appropriation Ordinance Establishing the Millage Rates for 2020
An Ordinacne Establishing the Sales Tax Funds for Rural Fire Department for 2021
An Appropriation Ordinance amending Ordinance 2013-023 Sheriff's Office Employee Compensation for Assigned Duties
An Ordinance to Establish Number of Positions and Starting Salaries for Non-Elected County Positions
An Ordinance for the Solicitation of Structured Proposals for Ambulance Service, Establishing Proposal Specifications and Establishing the Requisite Public Hearings
An Ordinance to Establish the number of Positions and starting salaries for non-elected County Officials
An Appropriation Ordinance Establishing the number of Employees and Authorized Salary per Employee for each Department of the Cleburne County Government
An Ordinance Adoption and approving the budget for Cleburne County, Arkansas for the year 2021